Add Job Kill Time.

Add a kill time for that cases...

The entire system is blocked, it does not show the main screen, it does not show a list of printers. Miraculously I was able to access this menu. Buttons dont work.

We need something to kill these processes.


  • With this error, prints continued on printers that were already started, about 4 hours later the system completely crash and prints stopped. The printers were left with the hotend and bed on (a little dangerous, but at working temperature).
  • These processes normally do not lock the server. But what you describe could be to actions locking each other, which is a difficult problem on multithreaded systems like server. So first always make sure to run latest version. We always fix thises cases when we see them, but they can go long undetected.

    If you are on latest version and on a linux system, you can help us by sending a backlog of the processes, so we can analyze what is making it hang. See
    for how to do it. With the backlog over all treads (thread apply all bt 20) we can see where it happened and fix it, in case it is a new issue.
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