Rescue didn't work, 23 hour print failed at 20 hours, with no rescue
in Bug Reports
I'm not sure if this is a bug or it's just a failure that cannot be recovered. My Prusa MK3S failed around 20 hours into a 23 hour print with a print bed runoff failure and said to restart the printer. Normally with any kind of failure or power outage the Prusa software returns with a Rescue button to restart but this time it was not there. I can't find anything in the logs to tell me what height or position or layer it failed on and I can't find any help on how to manually rescue. Am I lost and should I just restart the print?
Server has a own rescue solution also it might log some moves, but when enabled it gives you an idea on where it happened so you can eventually continue if no homing/bed leveling is required which is impossible with objects on bed. This works best with z max homing printers.
You can also check print history which shows where a print was aborted. That can allow to to make a reduced g-code so you can continue if you can restore end conditions (temperature, z position home xy)