Variable thickness on slanted surfaces

We're printing a big model we have cut up in pieces, and we're having some bizarre problems.

The thickness of the floor of some slanted surfaces varies, making undesirable results.

The following link has all the information you may need to explain the problem:

As you can see from the two photos (and the gcode if you open it), the normal surface has 3 layers making it pretty opaque, but the big polygon on the lower right has only one layer making its surface very thin and displaying the infill.
While the piece is correct our printers have no trouble with it (we use BQ Witboxes), the lack of thickness is not aesthetically pleasing.

Is there a way to avoid this issue so that every surface uses 3 layers or a way to configure when Slic3r uses 3 layers?

Thanks for the help


  • I can't edit the post, so I'll leave this as a comment.
    Under all circumstances the surface has three layers so no problem there. We believe the visual difference come from the typical bed the slicer uses on the top perimeters. Slic3r for some reason makes such bedding for most of our slanted surfaces, resulting in a nice thick "floor" without wasting time and material by increasing the width of every wall too much (for example, use 6 layers instad of 3).

    As it is, 90º degree walls and the floors/ceilings are fine.
    Is there a way to maintain the thickness of such floors without increasing the thickness anywhere else? 
  • I see what you mean, but slic3r is not our product, so I can not say why it does this. Adding a perimeter would help here making it less visible. Or check for more informations.
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