License removal not working?

Hello. I am trying to remove my license from my raspberry but the button "Deactiate" is greyed out as you can see in picture

I click on clear license as alternative but I don't have any feedback and if i reboot my raspberry it still found license.


  • When deactivate is graeyed out your license is normally deactivated, clear would just remove the key as well which is all it does.

    Something is wrong in your case - I can see in top bar that it is still pro so it is not deactivated which might explain why clear is also not working. Try activate and deactivate again. Make sure clock is set correctly and you have internet access with the server or they will fail.

    If it does not work at all write to our support and we can remove the activation for you also it will reactivate when you restart the server. This is more for cases when a sd card was broken and deactivating was not possible.
  • edited October 2024
    Registering and removing: it worked thank you!
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