See both IDEX extruders on web interface?

I'm starting to use Repetier Monitor less and less as I find more awesome features on the web interface that the Monitor application doesn't have access to.

The only real pitfall(Other than having to open each server on it's own) I've run into is that I can't see both Extruders on the top status bar for my Sovol SV04 IDEX printer. I can only see it under the control area but on the Monitor application I can see both at once. I've looked and I couldn't find a setting for how many extruders to display at once. It's not the end of the world for me but I'd love to know if I'm missing something.

On RM I see:                                 Emergency stop - Speed - Flow - Fan - Extruder 1★ - Extruder 2 - Bed - G Code - Menu
On the Web interface I see:    Emergency stop - Speed - Flow - Fan - Extruder 1 - Bed - Menu

The lack of active extruder marking (★) also throws me off but it's easy enough to run the command to set 1 as active just to be safe.

Thank you.  ^_^


  • No you missed nothing. Since the place is limited and some printers have more then 2 extruders we choose to only show the active extruder it top or in home screen. Reason is that this is the only relevant one during printing and also explains why there is no star/number. Even on idex it is normally unnecessary - both extruders do the same when used in parallel and apart from a minor difference will have same temperature.
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