Repetier Server Monitor ran from Raspberry pi

I am trying to setup a raspberry pi with server monitor to run a display in our lab for people to see from outside the lab. I tried running the server monitor file for arm and it doesn't seem to do much I am not great with linux systems so any help would be appreciated. I am using a Pi3 B with the 32bit version of RaspbianOS.


  • Do you at least see the app starting? You must add the servers first so they will appear. 

    Note that monitor is written to be used with keyboard when inputs are required. A virtual keyboard might work if you have one installed. But 99 percent work without just for setup it might be handy.
  • After downloading the app image and setting permissions so it will execute, a window appears asking to execute or execute in terminal. The first option does nothing at all, the latter opens up a terminal window but nothing else happens.
  • Since we have no desktop I can not test it with clicking. When I open a terminal and run

    pi@RepetierServer:~ $ chmod 755 Repetier-Server\ Monitor-1.4.7-armv7l.AppImage
    pi@RepetierServer:~ $ export DISPLAY=:0
    pi@RepetierServer:~ $ ./Repetier-Server\ Monitor-1.4.7-armv7l.AppImage

    It appears as window. No question to show terminal or not. What happens if you do the same from a terminal in folder of the download?
  • Are these commands supposed to be ran from a pi with a fresh install of Repetier Server?
  • The command should work on any linux with arm processor from terminal. So regular pi os should be fine as well. Important part is 
    export DISPLAY=:0
    to tell the monitor to display the windows. When called from window manager I'd assume it is set by default, but you never know.
  • Ran those commands and I get an error on the final run command "cannot execute: required file not found". Reading on some online forums I found that this error can be caused by differences in linker location when the app image is built versus when it is ran. Is there a way for me to rebuild server monitor here on my local machine?
  • ./ at start of executeaböe means you must be in the folder where you downloaded the appimage into. Guess you were in home directory while file is probably in downloads folder of your browser?
  • Tried it again to make sure I was doing it in the correct folder and I get the same result using raspbianOS. I also just tried it again using a fresh install of repetier server instead of raspbianOS and get the same result.

    The first two commands run with no problem
    pi@RepetierServer:~ $ chmod 755 Repetier-Server\ Monitor-1.4.7-armv7l.AppImage
    pi@RepetierServer:~ $ export DISPLAY=:0

    However upon running:
    pi@RepetierServer:~ $ ./Repetier-Server\ Monitor-1.4.7-armv7l.AppImage

    raspbianOS gives me the error:
    cannot execute: required file not found

    and repetier server gives the error:
    ./Repetier-Server Monitor-1.4.7-arm7l.AppImage: line 1: File: command not found
  • run
    ls -l
    to see if file is in current directory. Use
    cd foldername
    to switch between folders. And just to be sure do not enter "pi@RepetierServer:~ $" that is the prompt in my terminal, command starts after that.

    File: command not found - always means the command is not in the selected place or has a different name or x flag is not set (which we would have assigned with chmod it it is there).

  • Running ls -l I get a bunch of info for all the folders in the root directory along with one entry for the appimage:
    -rwxr-xr-x 1 pi pi   18 Aug 28 18:33 'Repetier-Server Monitor-1.4.7-arm7l.AppImage'
  • Ok that is strange. File is there and chmod worked - I see the x flag.

    Can you try writing only part of
    ./Repetier-Server\ Monitor-1.4.7-armv7l.AppImage

    and then complete with tab key? Mybe a problem how you enterted the backslash to escape the space. At least I guess something like that because file is there so file not found should mean a typo in this case.
  • Using tab makes no difference.

    I have also ran apt-update and apt-upgrade and after a reboot i still get
    "command not found" like before.

    One other thing, I found if I run "sudo ./Repetier..." then I get a different error when running on repetier server:
    ./Repetier-Server Monitor-1.4.7-arm7l.AppImage: 1: File not found

    This of course being the same error I got when attempting to run this command on RaspbianOS.

  • In the error I am getting could the "1:" perhaps be signifying line 1 in the appimage? Could the program simply be erroring out on the first line when trying to open or import another file?
  • Looking back into previous post of ls -l I see your file is 18 bytes???? Should be 105374670 bytes long. Guess download did not work and what it now contains makes no sense.

    head ./Repetier-Server\ Monitor-1.4.7-armv7l.AppImage

    I think it contains a message from download failure.
  • I think that assumption is correct. What command should I use for downloading the image?
  • Disregard that, I got the downloaded file transferred using a flash drive and got it running. Now just to figure out how to get the mouse to show so I can actually get it setup.
  • If you are using our image run repetier-setup and select showing mouse in touchscreen settings. On regular Raspbian OS desktop I'd assume the mouse to appear anyway when connected.
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