Copy or transfer settings


This question might be have been asked and answered all ready, sorry. I did do some searches but couldn't find anything but if it is already answred then please point me in the right direction.

Does Repetier save settings in files that can be copied from one computer to another?

I've had a 3D printer for years and used Repetier Host to drive it but I've not used it a lot. However I had set up Repetier to match my printer, a K8200 with various upgrades. But my laptop that ran Repetier has packed up. I've extracted the HDD from it and I'm wondering if there's a file, or files, I can copy off that to copy all the settings to the replacement computer.

The old computer ran Windows 8 and the replacement runs Windows 10.
It looks like I was using version 2.3.2 of Repetier Host.

Any suggestions will be appreciated.


  • Settings are stored in Windows registry so complicated to recover.

    However slicer settings are stored on the hard drive. Where depends on the slicer you used. cura engine in work directory/cureengine and Slicer/Prusa slicer in AppData/roaming/slicer and slic3rPE I think. Eventually local roaming.
  • It's a pity that the settings aren't accessible. I know I've tried to look for some way to export them or back them up in the past just in case this sort of thing happened but when I couldn't find a way I forgot about it. I wish I'd raised it as a feature request.

    I'll look through the suggested directories for the slicer settings.

    Thanks for your help.
  • Seems to me something that everyone may need sooner or later, when they get a new or extra printer or if somene is responsible for an array of printers.
    In my case I am moving from a win7 system to win10 (and soon to win11).
    Has anyone scripted such a move, if so I'd love to see/try it.
     I came across an option that seems to dump all of the Slic3r config Slic3r->Configuration->File->ExportConfigBundle and LoadConfigBundle ... has anyone tried it ???  What did you do about  the "Host" config ???
    I only use Slic3r so I'm not bothered with the other slicers.
    Best regards,

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