No acess to the KLIPPER installation root

i just wanted to flash the firmware to my btt s2dw resonance Sensor. So i used the built in firmware creation tool and compiled it like in the PDF from BIGTREETECH. So now I wanted to use the console via PUTTY to flash the microcontroller.
I logged in as user "pi" and to flash the firmware I have to be - in my understanding - in the klipper directory which you arent by default.

I used: "cd /opt/klipper/KlipperTST/" ("KlipperTST" is my own choosen name for the installation)
but i become this answer: "-bash: cd: /opt/klipper/Klipper_TST/: Permission denied"

so there is my problem. But maybe Iam completly wrong.

Iam hoping for Help Thanks :)


  • We deviate in 2 points from default installation. One as you already noticed is that we have different installation paths. This is to support multiple parallel klipper installations. The second is that we need permission to access klipper sockets so we start klipper as user repetierserver just as the server. So you must run your klipper installations as that user. Send
    sudo sudo -u repetierserver bash

    inside putty tp become that user and have a shell. And yes it is twice sudo!
  • Hey,

    thanks for the fast reply.
    with your command "sudo sudo -u repetierserver bash" i actually got in the folder, but i was still unable to run any command because of permissions.

    But i found an much easier way. Just send after opening of the Console in putty or in RepetierServer in the Internet:
    "sudo su"

    and it worked all.

  • With that command you become root and all files will belong to root. That can cause issues afterwards, but you can change owner afterwards with
    sudo chown -R repetierserver /opt/klipper
    and prevent that potatial problem as well.
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