Unable to see both temperatures on dual extruder

FIRMWARE_NAME:Marlin SM2-4.7.2 (Github) SOURCE_CODE_URL:https://github.com/whimsycwd/SnapmakerMarlin PROTOCOL_VERSION:1.0 MACHINE_TYPE:GD32F305VGT6 EXTRUDER_COUNT:2 UUID:cede2a2f-41a2-4748-9b12-c55c62f367ff

Recv:10:29:01.837: T:211.00 /210.00 B:52.02 /50.00 T0:211.00 /210.00 T1:30.70 /0.00 @:0 B@:0 @0:0 @1:0

When I first set up the printer, I was able to see something like "1: 211.0C | 2: 30.7C" in the top-right printer info bar, and I'm not sure what I did, but now it only says "1: 211.0C" and only allows me to control that extruder.  Both extruders are set up in Printer Settings.


  • Can you make a screenshot from the position you mean so I also see which user interface you are using. The normal interfaces do not show it in condensed info bars and show it only on detailed views e.g. main ui in right sidebar under temperatures or in control tab in temperatures.
  • https://photos.app.goo.gl/ebL2ZfQHJSk7Gnbs9

    I see I can change which it's from the control tab, but I could have sworn it was showing both.
  • Ok in that place it was always only the active extruder. It can show multiple fans due to chance they have different purposes but extruders were only the active one.
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