No logfile, but in RepetierServer.xml logging is true ...

I'm having a few problems here at the moment, one of my printers seems to be restarting in the middle of printing for no reason at all.
So I wanted to take a look at what might have accumulated in the log file of the corresponding printer in the RS...
I'm very surprised to see that the folder \root\var\lib\Repetier-Server\printer\GEEE\logs is completely empty.
Logging is activated in the RepetierServer.xml, but nothing is happening...
Are there other places that prevent logging via printer?


  • Logging in RepetierServer.xml is only for server.log. For logging of printer connection go to printer and in printer menu select logs and there you can activate it for next prints. Logs appear in same window for download then.
  • Ahhh ok. Then I have understood it wrong.Ty for the hint; found it...
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