Memory leak causes eventual server crash, Repetier Server RPi 3B w/ Prusa MK3S and USB webcam

Hi there

I've been using the heck out of my Repetier Server, and I've noticed a few details possibly worth chasing down. 

Sometimes I have a webcam physically disconnected, but the timelapse recording option is still turned on, this causes background errors which eventually swamp the Pi's CPU, causing a crash. 

I have also noticed that when the Prusas enter certain states for extended periods of time (run out of filament or MMU error overnight), this also causes some kind of memory leak which eventually causes the Pi's CPU to crash. 

Other than that, I'm stoked, the server is a huge timesaver for my organization.  Right now I'm trying to figure out how to get Repetier Server to talk to Slack API to post messages regarding server status.  Any hints on that? 



  • Thanks for the leak info. Will try to reproduce them for next release.

    Regarding slack api easiest would be using 3rd party message solution for push messages. I don't know if this is possible directly with an api call but you can also call an intermediate service instead that would do this.

    Last solution is a script that would be called to send the message and you call from server on special events.
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