multiple fill % in same model

Hi all.  New to this forum; hope I'm in the right place! :)   Using Repetier-Host on Windows to create gcode for stl model created in OnShape (or Fusion360) [if it matters].   I would like to print most of the model using 75% fill, but a portion of it needs to be 100% fill.  Is that something that's possible in the slicer?  Or do I need to play games with creating separate models and somehow join them to produce a single gcode result?   TIA for any light you can shed on this!


  • In host not possible, but if you open PrusaSlicer you can add volumes where you can change infill where it intersects the model, so make the 100% part part of such a volume and set a different infill for intersection area, slice and import in host afterwards.
  • I guess I'll have to get the PrusaSlicer and see what you mean by "add volumes".  Are you saying "create two models and join them in the slicer"?
  • When you select PrusaSlicer and hit configure it will already start, nothing to install.

    No one model. It has a feature to assign parameter to intersection with other volumes. For this it has e.g. boxes predefined which you can position. Not standard method but more for rare cases where wuch things are needed. Alternatively you can split object into multiple and assign them different settings as well.
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