Uploading Gcode stops at 100%

Hi @ all

I've been using Repetier Server very happily for some time, running on a Raspi with 6 Prusas connected. One of the things, I couldn't solve until now is uploading gcode manually from my browser. I'm at the detail view of one of the printers, then click on upload gcode, pick the file on my computer, then the Upload goes up to 100%, but then stays light blue, is not finished and nothing happens. The same happens when i'm in a project and try to upload the file there: same problem: upload goes to 100%, stays light blue, nothing happens.

However, if I send a gcode directly form PrusaSlicer: no probs.

My instinct tells me that there is a problem with writing permissions, but I'm faaaar from sure, just a wild guess.

Thanks for any hint/idea in advance!!!

All the best



  • Sincer we had this issue and you needed to reload page as only a message to show correct view was not send, my first question is if you are running latest version. I used it for some tests before release and it worked so maybe you are using the buggy version where this problem existed?
  • Good morning and thank you very much for the quick response!!!

    I'm running the version 1.4.12. In Repetier, however, it shows me that it's the latest (that's why I didnt update before).

    So, what's the safest way to update now? I just want to make sure that I dont have to go through the entire printer setup-process again.
  • ok, i just found this manual of yours, i will try that and then report back.
  • Checking for updates should also show new version. But it requires internet connection of pi, which you should have if you can activate/deactivate server.
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