@execute only after previous command ack'ed
I think it would be valuable to have synchronous @execute commands.
I have a buffer of n commands and one command within is @execute so it'll be executed before the real g-code occur.
For example, I want to home X & Y, center, home Z, go back to home, start bed heating, play a sound, start extruder heating, play a sound, then begin print.
With a buffer of 8 both sounds are played right after print session starts so I don't know when bed temperature is reached nor when print really starts.
Hope it can be added in next release
Many thanks for you great work.
I have a buffer of n commands and one command within is @execute so it'll be executed before the real g-code occur.
For example, I want to home X & Y, center, home Z, go back to home, start bed heating, play a sound, start extruder heating, play a sound, then begin print.
With a buffer of 8 both sounds are played right after print session starts so I don't know when bed temperature is reached nor when print really starts.
Hope it can be added in next release
Many thanks for you great work.
I always forget Repetier Server can be used with other firmware, it's so easy with repetier firmware
Thanks for the help.