Funny jumping of the Printer at the Dashboard
... this time again in English; There are probably more English reading users here than German ones...
Since yesterday I have a second printer running on the server. It is still under construction and is therefore not currently switched on.
What is interesting, however, is the jumping back and forth/changing position of the two printers on the RS web dashboard.
Is that how it's supposed to be or is it a BUG? Could this be disabled somehow so that the connected printers retain their position? It's pretty annoying...
Video about this:
Since yesterday I have a second printer running on the server. It is still under construction and is therefore not currently switched on.
What is interesting, however, is the jumping back and forth/changing position of the two printers on the RS web dashboard.
Is that how it's supposed to be or is it a BUG? Could this be disabled somehow so that the connected printers retain their position? It's pretty annoying...
Video about this:
What you need to check is why it fails so it can connect correctly. If it is just the port being visible where is a checkbox in connection settings that the port is visible also firmware is not running. Check it to prevent this in that case. Happens with Rambo boards for example.
- GEEE = ON (printing)
If I imagine that I have 4, 5, 6 or more printers on it and all the printers that are not currently switched on are creating this drama on the GUI, then it is pure luck to hit the right printer with the mouse. It is then impossible to calculate when which printer will take up which space on the GUI.
I think it's good that the status is shown here with colors and messages because you can see it at first glance. But do you have to constantly change the order of the printers on the GUI?
Can't you just say the printers are sorted by name, regardless of status? Or maybe add this as an option in the settings?
But you did not understand that the anet is visible causing the issue! You must tell server that it is visible also when disabled to prevent this toggling.
Another shortcoming is popping up, but it has nothing to do with RS:
With multiple printers that draw energy from the PI's USB ports even when switched off, this places an unnecessary burden on the PI (power supply).
I'm going to build USB adapters that separate the supply line from the PI to the printer with a Schottky... This would also eliminate the virtual problem with the jumper without having to change anything.
Same starting point:
-Geee ON
- ANET off
Both connected to the PI, but options set as you recommended (visible although off / sort alphabetically)
Now the following often happens in an incomprehensible order, after each restart of the RS:
- The Geee is forced into a reset by the RS in an endless loop, approximately every 10 seconds.
- The Geee is incorrectly seen as the ANET from RS
- Neither printer is seen
- RS briefly shows a popup "Update available" at the top left
- RS starts with wild GUI (hard reset required)
- ... and so forth...
Unfortunately I don't know where to start looking here. I can only offer the most recent errors that are shown in the log...
Linux also reconnects usb ports. There is an option to disconnect usb on communication errors which might get triggered by this wrong association, so check anet if there is the usb reconnect on timeout active.
There are a lot of them like "/dev/ttyUSB0", "/dev/ttyAMA0", "/dev/ttyprintk", "/dev/ttyS0" or the whole "/dev/tty[NULL || 0-61] ", but that's something completely different and not one of the printers...
I'll read up a bit more about how Linux handles USB devices... There's obviously something I don't understand yet...
Just found something new. Since I don't know if this is an RS problem, I'll leave it in this thread:
Component with 13 layers; Simple cover for a flush-mounted cable box.
In CURA exactly 13 layers are specified. As soon as I transfer it to RS, it becomes 27 layers for RS and that is also passed on to MARLIN.
With RS/MARLIN, the first layer that is printed is already layer 3, the second layer is already layer 6...
... do I have to understand that ?
it looks like support is counted extra in RS. I could just see that while printing and hold an eye on the counter.
. End of layer 13
- Layer 14 = printing the support
- Layer 15 = printing the component
From a technical point of view, 14 and 15 are on the same print level and the identical "layer level"...
Am I not understanding something here again?