3d printer bed
So i am currently using a printrbot kit and im having problems with my bed. I coudnt get my prints to stick on the bed, so i bought a new bed cover that makes your prints actually stick. The problem is that the cover is 8mm tall. And when i try to print, the whole extruder goes inside the bed, and starts making a very high buzzing sound from the motors trying to make it go all the way down. Ive been trying to make the minimal z axis height to 8mm but when i print, it just ignores the setting. In the same way when i set the printing tempature to 230° it automatically goes to the default (200°) and there is nothing i could do.
how do i change the minimal bed height and how do i change the extruder tempature? Im pretty sure the bed cover problem is because the sensor is at the bottom of the platform, and it is waiting for the extruder frame to go all the way for the sensor to be activated.
how do i change the minimal bed height and how do i change the extruder tempature? Im pretty sure the bed cover problem is because the sensor is at the bottom of the platform, and it is waiting for the extruder frame to go all the way for the sensor to be activated.
Regarding max. temperature check what you have set as maximum temperature in server. Both firmware and server could reduce it. If server has higher value it is either a limit in firmware or you have send a lower temperature from g-code you are printing.
Server also connects via usb cable to printer. It just works like a webserver so the computer it runs on becomes a webserver showing your printer in your network. So it turns your printer into a network connected printer.