Raspberry pi 3.5, for 3d print

edited October 2023 in Questions & Answers
Boa tarde, fiz o passo a passo da instalação do Repetier-server para minha impressora 3d, mas quando ligo a impressora o display só fica em uma tela branca, poderiam me ajudar?


  • edited October 2023
    Good afternoon, I did the step-by-step installation of Repetier-server for my 3d printer, but when I turn on the printer the display only stays on a white screen, could you help me?
  • What kind of screen did you connect? hdmi, csi or using the header pins? Especially for the last solution often used for small screens you need to install the display drivers as described by display producer for pi bullseye. This differs a bit depedning on the display.
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