Server 1.4.10 cannot get then to execute via GCODE
I gave my best effort to research this extensively and re-read all literature multiple times.
pertinent extcommands.xml data (Does not work w/ or w/o sudo):
<execute name="printeron" allowParams="true">sudo /db/</execute>
<execute name="idleoff" allowParams="true">sudo /db/</execute>
Any help would be very much appreciated.
- I gave scripts execute permissions via a+x.
- I have used an absolute path in extcommands.xml (path is /db/) See commands below
- I can run the scripts via ssh with or without sudo and they function as designed
- Repetier host logs show no errors when using the @execute commands (Command is visible to Repetier Server)
21:23:34.551 : ;@execute printeron
21:23:38.497 : @execute printeron
21:29:18.741 : @execute idleoff
21:29:21.598 : ;@execute idleoff
pertinent extcommands.xml data (Does not work w/ or w/o sudo):
Any help would be very much appreciated.
sudo -i
and then test your command to see error messages:
sudo -u repetierserver /db/
pi@Repetier:~ $ sudo -i
This works fine and no error.
sudo -i
sudo -u repetierserver sudo /db/
And if you then get something like
it means the scripts are not in sudoers.d permission files. Did you add them there in list of allowed commands?
sudo -u repetierserver sudo /db/ works fine. However @execute printeron in gcode sitll does not. No error, just an echo of my gcode in the host log UI,
startAllCams which is called to restart all mjpg streamer and mjpgStart which starts the cam in command line. So you can of course theak them to send extra parameter or modify pi cam detection to support more cams. It is just that it is not integrated at the moment.
With the new pi cam library I also have 100% load for that cam because the arducam version I use as it was the only one supporting this seems to not support mjpg - at least with my original pi cam, also I kno wit has that capability.
If you find a tweak to the scripts supporting more cams feel free to send them so I can include the improved version for updates.