EEPROM Settings question

I am brand new to using a CNC so I have to ask some dumb questions.

I have a Rambo 1.4 board, which runs Marlin firmware. I am using it to control a V1 Engineering Low-rider V3 CNC. I am running the Repetier-Server Pro 1.4.6 software on a Raspberry Pi 4.

It connected up just fine. I had to upgrade the Marlin firmware and did so using the  Xloader installer that runs on Windows as recommended by V1 engineering. I was able to upgrade the Rambo firmware with the newest version of the Marlin firmware.hex file. My understanding is that Reptier-Server Pro can install firmware.

When I go to the EEPROM Settings page everything looks OK. There is a "Save", "Export EEPROM Data", "Import EEPROM Data".

It is not clear to me what these various buttons do exactly. I assume "Save" saves the current settings to a file local to my host.

I am a little bit vague on exactly what Export and Import are for.

Would one of these do the same role as Xloader and flash the Marlin firmware.hex file to the Rambo board?



  • eeprom settings is not firmware uploader. It changes runtime parameter in marlin and stores them permanently in eeprom memory of rambo board. If you have the pro version of  Repetier-Server you can use the menu point firmware upload and select mega2560 board and then drag your firmware.hex file there. Or deactivate printer in server and use any other uploader like avrdude to upload it.
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