Raspberry Pi camera Module 3 doesn't work
Hi all, I bought the new Wide Camera Module 3 for my Pi4 and it doesn't work.
any solutions for my Problem yet or does anyone have the same troubles?
I see the in the Pulldown menu at Printer Settings but I can't select it...
Thanks in advance for your support.
any solutions for my Problem yet or does anyone have the same troubles?
I see the in the Pulldown menu at Printer Settings but I can't select it...
Thanks in advance for your support.
You can restart it and check /var/log/syslog why it stopped again.
Which image are you using? Lately the bullseye version changed libcamera version so updating linux breaks pi camera. So with every image we provide a version that works with the current version.
One solution is to call
sudo raspi-config
and in camera select legacy system. This switches to old graphic driver with old webcam solution and has much less load for cpu since pi cam does then jpg encoding. Might also help in your case. Not sure if new system supports all webcams old solution supported.
Device appears because a cam in general is detected. So I also assume that streamer starts. But only in /var/log/syslog you can see why it stopped after starting. It also might just be incompatible resolution/framerate or something serious because it is a unknown model that was not implemented in the driver. My original pi cam at least works.