Klipper abort second printer
I have two printers with Klipper (V1 and V2). When I connect one printer, everything is ok. If I connect both printers, it looks fine, no error. I started print on V1 (works fine), but when I started print on V2, I got error on V1 and print fails. Error is : "V1 was stopped before it was finished due to the following fatal eror : // Klipper state: Shutdown". Do you know where the problem is? I use Repetier server 1.4.4 Pro. Thanks for advices.
Also check /var/log/syslog if printing start caused usb disconnect. Raspberry likes to do such things if power gets down or there is some emf interference on usb. Than it might cause disconnect of both printers as well and since klipper does the usb talking you won't see it in server interface just the shutdown as result, but it would still show a usb disconnect in syslog.
Also if I remember right there is in klipper screen a option to see klipper log it self to see what is going on on klipper side. And don't forget /var/log/syslog