1.4.1 reverts back to 1.2.1 after every boot
I just found the MQTT and Homeassistant support in 1.4.1 and was very happy with it. So I updated my RasberryPi to that version via Repetier Server monitor.
Today when I restarted my printers, the communication to Homeassistant was not working any more. It took me a while to find out that my Repetierserver silently reverted back to 1.2.1
Updateting to 1.4.1 worked (again) but I had to re-set the MQTT page to get it working again.
What am I doing wrong? I have registered the pro version and the key is also stil in the settings.
The only way to revert might be when you switch from armhf to putting it in a pi zero where it will install the armel version from image and if that image is older it might be 1.2.1 you then get. Should only happen once a sit marks the switch to not redo it again.
To prevent defect sd cards we advice to use long endurance sd cards and to always shutdown linux safely before removing power. Never just unplug power - that works a lot of time but at wrong time it can cause defects on sd card.