Printing Z axis not going up on each slice

I am trying a basic 20mm cube and it seems to print the first layer and rims ok but when its time to move to the next slices it seems to stay on the first level

I have checked the steps per rev on the motor and if I manually ask it to move 10 mm up or down it moves 10 mm measured with an electronic caliper

I am using the latest version of the host software and firmware.

this printer has not started to work normally yet since I changed the printer heads to duel extruders and Bowden fittings
but this is the nearest i have got to it working 


  • What does M114 say after a few layers? Is it going up?

    See eeprom for z max speed and acceleration. SLicers may use different speeds then host and if these are too high motor will just stall, so limiting z max speed to what works is a good idea. You might also need to decrease acceleration or start speed to allow higher speeds, but that needs some testing where your printers limits are.
  • im not sure what i did but its now working
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