Server-Monitor shows total layers as "0"

... I use the server monitor on an old netbook as an independent display.
I noticed that the monitor always shows the total number of layers to be printed as -0-.
Have I missed something or is this a BUG?


  • Addendum:
    This doesn't seem to always occur. I've just started a new print and it's displayed correctly.
    I haven't yet figured out why it's sometimes not correct...

  • Do you have latest versions installed? I remember there was a bug on server side not updating it, which I at least thought was fixed.
  • edited January 17
    Server-Monitor is 1.4.6, Server1 and calculating Server2 is 1.4.18
    Have I missed some news?

    Mails from the system don't have a DKIM
  • Monitor version 1.4.7 is the newest version. Not sure where the issue exactly happened but I can not see it in my tests so far. Might also be fixed in new dev version though, just remember I had this issue as well.
  • Repetier said:
    Monitor version 1.4.7 is the newest version. Not sure where the issue exactly happened but I can not see it in my tests so far. Might also be fixed in new dev version though, just remember I had this issue as well.
    ... good to know that I'm not the only one who has this problem from time to time.
    I'm now paying particular attention to whether I can somehow recognize a pattern in which context the problem occurs, but unfortunately I haven't had any success so far.
  • Just again...
    It looks like one or both of the following causes the error:

    • Starting the monitor after printing is already in progress (not always)
    • Short-term loss of network connection (overload, dropouts, ...)
    I will now pay special attention to the two situations and try to reproduce them.

  • The last print was completed last night.
    This morning I started a new print. The monitor was already running during this time. Nevertheless, the monitor again shows the total number of layers as "0"; the server's WEB GUI, however, shows the total number of layers correctly, as before.
  • Update:
    After starting the third print today, the number of layers was at "0" as before.
    However, the print failed, so I had to cancel the print on the server (direct at the PI, not via WEB-GUI) and start again.
    The number of layers has been displayed since then; the monitor was running all day with...
  • Just for your understanding - monitor uses a different solution to get layers. It has a server pushed model that automatically gets updates when server sees changes while normal gui pulls the status. So it is at least clear that the push model is sometimes out of sync. Only problem is why only sometimes. As I understand it always shows 0 when it happens and not last layer number, so reset to 0 always work only later updates sometimes do not get through. Hope I find it. WIll look again into the code responsible for this.
  • With the background information provided, I can only confirm this.
    When it happens (like it did again this morning), the total number of layers is ALWAYS "0".
    It doesn't seem to matter whether I have the monitor running when I transfer a new job to the server or not.

  • Ping... ping... dingeldong B)

    Unfortunately, I found another glitch in the monitor:
    In the terminal window, it always shows...
    Firmware has signaled a problem. Only server commands...
    Why this is so is beyond my knowledge. It's also nonsense, because I can send commands to the printer and the server at will...

    I only noticed this now because I always used the WebGUI terminal before

  • Which firmware are you using. It happens if a firmware response signals a serious issue, e.g a line starting with !! which is a signal that something is wrong also klipper uses it for some not vital messages as well.
  • ... I'm using MARLIN on all my printer. Not the last available BugFix- version, but all out of the last 5-6 month.
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