layerChanged event has wrong values

I run in a minor bug today.

I run a repetier server with version 1.4.16 on it and was logging some events using the websockets.

The layerChanged event always showed the wrong value for layer:

[Prusa_Mk3s_with_Enclosure]: OnLayerChange - {"data":{"layer":15,"maxLayer":15},"event":"layerChanged","printer":"Prusa_Mk3s_with_Enclosure"}

Note: the maxLayer of the printed object is 15, and the layer value never changed during the whole print.

I then updated to 1.4.18 to check if this has been fixed - sadly not, but its different.

The value of layer is now correct, but unfortunately the maxLayer value is now always the same as the layer value:

-   [Prusa_Mk3s_with_Enclosure]: OnLayerChange - {"data":{"layer":1,"maxLayer":1},"event":"layerChanged","printer":"Prusa_Mk3s_with_Enclosure"}

-   [Prusa_Mk3s_with_Enclosure]: OnLayerChange - {"data":{"layer":2,"maxLayer":2},"event":"layerChanged","printer":"Prusa_Mk3s_with_Enclosure"}

- [Prusa_Mk3s_with_Enclosure]: OnLayerChange - {"data":{"layer":3,"maxLayer":3},"event":"layerChanged","printer":"Prusa_Mk3s_with_Enclosure"}

Same gcode, maxLayer should therefore be 15.

Feel free to delete the discussion, if this has been reported before 

Best regards | Viele Grüße


  • I'm pretty sure I fixed this for 1.5.0. There was in deed a wrong assignment so max and layer were assigned the same values.
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