Looking for documentation on Gcode post-processing

edited May 2022 in Repetier-Host

I am using the CuraEngine slicer in Repetier to drive a Printrbot, and I would like to always remove one specific line of Gcode from the output of the slicer.
I understand that this can be done using Printer Settings > Advanced > Post Slice Filter.
Where can I find some documentation on how to use this feature ? And more specifically, how would one remove a specific line number ? 

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On a side note it would be great for the application to provide least a link to some documentation on how to use the feature. At the moment it just says "You can run a filter program after each slicing action", but doesn't explain anything at all on how to do so. Is this an .exe ? Some Python script ? Something else altogether ?

Of course I understand that this may seem like common knowledge for expert users, and I also understand that some users enjoy the process of hunting around for the info. But in my opinion the application itself should do its best to point the user to relevant resources.

Thanks !


  • This requires an own software that gets called after slicing. You have the 2 parameter for file in and out. The result must be a written file with the name given with #out as parameter. That is actually why there is no doc - you need to write the software for the filter your self.

    One easy solution as alternative is install repetier-server and print over the server. The server printer config->gcodes->replacements allow to define regular expressions that gets replaced by an alternative or nothing. So just add the line you need removed and that line will never get printed.
  • Hello !

    First of all thank you for such a quick answer, that's appreciated.

    I would say that even though it involves some advanced technical knowledge, your explanation of the process has the merit of being much more clear and definitive than the vague text from the UI (which makes it sound like there is some information missing).

    So basically if I understand you correctly, Repetier handles the passing of the source gcode to any third party application, and then gets the result back. Sounds like something one could do with a Python script, right ?
  • Yes correctly understood. Any language is fine just with python you need to start python with script as first parameter I guess. But that should be no problem. Especially if you know python it is easy to write a read, parse and write script.
  • Hi,
    This is a bit of an old thread but I struggled a bit to get a post-slice script done so I though I'd share my code.
    For some reasons I could not make this work via a bash script, so I used python.

    To run the code, you need something like this in the repetier

    python /path/to/script/myScript.py #in #out

    The python code I wrote removed fan management (my machine does not manage it):

    import sys

    fileIn = sys.argv[1]
    fileOut = sys.argv[2]

    with open(fileOut, 'w') as fo:
        with open(fileIn, 'r') as fi:
            for line in fi:   
                if (line[0:4] != 'M106') and  \
                   (line[0:4] != 'M107'):               # fan off

  • Yes looks good so far. Maybe instead of python use full path to binary. Note that you must activate the postprocessing and it is only called if you slice in host.

    What is happening? Does it not call the file or something missing?
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