Repetier Pi LCD issues
If it's not one thing, it's another lol.
So I have a Pi 4 and LCD touch. The touch works great on this one but the screen never does after power outage.
In the beginning it worked. then it started showing the incognito window and would not go away until I did a sudo reboot several times. I did an update a little while back and it stopped showing that screen but now it is just a white screen and no matter how many times I power down or reboot or anything I do the screen is just white. The web gui works fine though.
With those issues I decided to go back to my old Pi 3 with a capacitive touch screen using the ribbon cable directly to the Pi. Everything wet great during install and the LCD worked but I have no touch inputs. I went into console mode and enabled touchscreen and tried calibrating but nothing worked. Rebooting 50 times didn't work, doing the update through the terminal didn't work. At one point the touch screen worked as it would move the mouse cursor wherever I touched, but it would not select anything no matter how many times I taped the screen. I tried restarting the touchscreen from the config tool but that just made the touch screen stop working again. I know the touch screen works as I saw it working, but it just doesn't do anything now.
I am not picky about which issue gets fixed. I just need a Pi to work in my printer and it needs to be reliable. Please help
So I have a Pi 4 and LCD touch. The touch works great on this one but the screen never does after power outage.
In the beginning it worked. then it started showing the incognito window and would not go away until I did a sudo reboot several times. I did an update a little while back and it stopped showing that screen but now it is just a white screen and no matter how many times I power down or reboot or anything I do the screen is just white. The web gui works fine though.
With those issues I decided to go back to my old Pi 3 with a capacitive touch screen using the ribbon cable directly to the Pi. Everything wet great during install and the LCD worked but I have no touch inputs. I went into console mode and enabled touchscreen and tried calibrating but nothing worked. Rebooting 50 times didn't work, doing the update through the terminal didn't work. At one point the touch screen worked as it would move the mouse cursor wherever I touched, but it would not select anything no matter how many times I taped the screen. I tried restarting the touchscreen from the config tool but that just made the touch screen stop working again. I know the touch screen works as I saw it working, but it just doesn't do anything now.
I am not picky about which issue gets fixed. I just need a Pi to work in my printer and it needs to be reliable. Please help

With display issues and chromium try deleting the chromium cache.
killall -9 chromium
rm -r /home/pi/.cache/chromium
sudo reboot
that should behave like first startup for chromium. So anything that is disturbing chome should be fixed.
As far as the Pi 3, I completely forgot there are waveshare configs for these. But again, the Pi confg tool does not point to the correct config.txt. I had to go in and sudo nano the correct path. But I did get touch working. Now I have to get the correct size set.
I'll get my printer set up on this one now so I don't have to wipe my other Pi with the white screen.