Start time not shown correctly in Repetier Server Pro 1.4.18

Since i've upgraded to the latest version of Repetier Server Pro (1.4.18) the start date of my current print is not shown correctly anymore.
E.g. for my current print it shows the following:

ETA: 24.10.24 14:42   Start:         04.09.24 17:20
ETE: 3h 22m 50s        Print time:  29m 42s

Not a big issue, but still a bit annoying.


  • I do not think this is a bug. The problem is mor elikely that the clock on the pc running the server (pi?) is not set correctly. Especially on pi it needs internet connection to sync and it can take a while until it syncs. Server computes start timed and uses pc clock at that time while for eta your browser clock is used and time left is added which is why eta looks correct.
  • edited October 25
    ok, i've manually set time now through repetier servers global settings.
    seems that this fixed the issue.

    really weird that this happened right after the upgrade to the latest version and even though the pi it's running on is connected to the internet and also synching time.

    thanks for the hint.
  • Did you update the server or the image?

    Pi has no battery buffered clock so I think it starts with last boot time. And that would be the date from the image. And as said it takes for unknown reason a bit to update the clock, maybe becaue it only does incremental time changes until final date is reached.
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