Strong delay VLC video stream versus WebGUI

Hello dear people,

can anyone tell me why I have delays of up to 10 seconds with a video stream displayed via VLC (1280x720, 100ms buffer) compared to the video in the RS WebGUI?

I have already tried a few things, even set a very high priority for this stream in the router (CAT7 / GS748Tv3).

But that hasn't changed anything...

Is this system-related? Is there any way to significantly improve this?


  • In GUI we have no standard stream, we read it internally and gui requests frame on receiving one. If in meantime there were multiple frames due to slow network they get dropped.

    With VLC you do it differently I think. Are you connecting to mjpg_streamer directly? Then you get the full mjpg and when network gets slow these get delivered with delay since they get buffered on mjpg_streamer side for receiving. 

    What FPS are you using? MJPG is not best compressed format so can be quite high in bandwidth and when it runs on pi over wifi this is a frequent problem. Main reason why we switched to our solution dropping frames when needed to have not so much delay.
  • I access the MJPEG stream directly with VLC (IP?action=stream). The Raspberry is connected via LAN, the stream has PRIO 100 in the Raspberry <-> Workstation router, the cabling is CAT7. So it's probably not the network's fault. I also operate 4 UHD surveillance cameras on the network (H.265, via LAN PoE). I can display their streams simultaneously at 60FPS with only occasional stuttering when there is action on all cameras...

    The frame rate is currently at 15FPS at 1280x720

    If I understand correctly, what is displayed in the GUI is not what is sent to the network via the streamer?

  • Yes, web gui gets info from server which consumes the stream. So at least locally there is no problem to read all frames and gui queries next image on completition with one ahead to keep framerarte as high as possible.

    You bypass server and query streamer (port 8080 or similar I guess). If you go over web proxy that could also add a delay and buffer. When I looked in mjpg_streamer I saw no real buffer so not sure if it buffers frames or also skips when reader is to slow, but over a proxy that can queue data.
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