Doubling the received gCode?!? (BUG?)

edited July 2024 in Repetier-Server
Hello there...

since the update to 1.4.18 I have had the problem that the gCode that I send from CURA (5.8.0-B.1) via the network is duplicated somewhere along the way.

This is of course fatal. Because at the end of the correct job, the printer initializes again, tries to level the bed and of course crashes and melts into the already finished part.

I have now written the CURA generated gCode from the last part into a file. The code is still OK at this point. So it must be duplicated somewhere along the way from CURA to the RepetierServer...

And yes... I can reproduce it every time

Any idea?!?


  • Do you mean if you use a cura plugin to upload a gcode the server makes it twice in a row?

    What is if you save it locally and then upload to the server. Is the local file only one time code and uploaded single or double? This should be the same as it is the only way - just want to rule out that the cura plugin doubles the data.
  • edited July 2024
    I send it via the CURA plugin.
    Now I have saved the file local and take a look into: all ok.
    Also I have sent the file to RS via GUI (upload gCode) and it seems ok also (printing right now... file size is ok)

    That comes up only if I send it via the plugin I think...

    *** Last lines of the "real" job: ***

    Send:16:16:30.094: N67031 G0 X119.913 Y112.878
    Send:16:16:30.134: N67032 G1 F4500 X163.47 Y112.882 E1165.5805
    Send:16:16:31.430: N67033 G1 X163.47 Y112.114 E1165.59688
    Send:16:16:31.542: N67034 G1 X119.705 Y112.114 E1166.5303
    Send:16:16:32.822: N67035 G1 X119.778 Y112.581 E1166.54038
    Send:16:16:32.858: N67036 G1 X119.913 Y112.878 E1166.54734
    Send:16:16:32.870: N67037 G0 F7200 X119.489 Y112.671
    Send:16:16:32.929: M117 Layer 24/24
    Send:16:16:33.142: N67038 G1 F2250 X119.721 Y113.178 E1166.55923
    Send:16:16:33.143: N67039 G1 X163.77 Y113.182 E1167.49871
    Send:16:16:33.184: N67040 G1 X163.77 Y111.814 E1167.52789
    Send:16:16:33.211: N67041 G1 X119.403 Y111.814 E1168.47415
    Send:16:16:33.328: N67042 G1 X119.406 Y112.202 E1168.48243
    Send:16:16:33.355: N67043 G1 X119.489 Y112.671 E1168.49259
    Send:16:16:33.386: N67044 G0 F7200 X119.551 Y112.807
    Send:16:16:33.605: N67045 G0 X120.232 Y112.565
    Send:16:16:33.605: N67046 G1 F4200 E1165.49259
    Send:16:16:34.634: N67047 M73 P60 R27 Q60 S27

    *** print is finnished at this point ***
    *** the following are the end code   ***

    Send:16:16:35.161: N67048 M140 S0
    Send:16:16:35.161: N67049 G90                     ; Switch to absolute positioning
    Send:16:16:35.187: N67050 G92 E0                    ; zero extruder
    Send:16:16:35.187: N67051 M106 S255                     ; full Fan (100%)
    Recv:16:16:35.189: echo: M73 Progress: 60%; Time left: 27m; Change: 0m;
    Send:16:16:35.189: N67052 M220 S100                    ; Set Feedrate to 100%
    Send:16:16:35.189: N67053 M221 S100                    ; Set Flowrate to 100%
    Send:16:16:35.190: N67054 G1 E-1 F250                    ; Retract, center and raise Z
    Recv:16:16:35.961: X:120.23 Y:112.56 Z:4.37 E:0.00 Count X:13204 Y:9120 Z:1739
    Send:16:16:35.963: N67055 G1 X127 Y300 Z200 F3000            ; Center X
    Send:16:16:35.964: N67056 M104 S0                     ; Cooldown hotend
    Send:16:16:35.964: N67057 M140 S0                     ; Cooldown bed
    Send:16:16:36.044: N67058 M18                      ; Disable steppers (M84)
    Send:16:16:36.822: N67059 M106 S0                     ; stop Fan
    Send:16:16:36.822: N67060 M355 S0                    ; lights off

    *** some that CURA place behind the end code; I have no influence on that ***

    Send:16:16:36.822: N67061 M82 ;absolute extrusion mode
    Send:16:16:36.822: N67062 M104 S0
    Send:16:16:36.822: N67063 M82 ;absolute extrusion mode
    Recv:16:16:45.265: echo:Case light: OFF
    Send:16:16:45.265: M117 ETA 16:43:59 day 31

    *** at this point all is done ! ***
    *** And from here the job begins completely inexplicably a second time !!! ***

    Send:16:16:45.265: N67064 M501                    ; set config as active
    Send:16:16:45.265: N67065 G90                    ; use absolute coordinates
    Send:16:16:45.269: N67066 M211 S1                    ; Software endstops on
    Send:16:16:45.269: N67067 M851 Z-1.90                    ; set Probe to Nozzle offset
    Send:16:16:45.269: N67068 M420 S1                    ; use former generated mesh
    Send:16:16:45.499: N67069 M220 S100                    ; Set Feedrate to 100%
    Send:16:16:45.499: N67070 M221 S100                    ; Set Flowrate to 100%
    Send:16:16:45.499: N67071 M355 S1 P255                ; lights on
    Recv:16:16:45.501: echo:Bed Leveling ON
    Recv:16:16:45.501: echo:Fade Height 2.50
    Send:16:16:45.501: N67072 M104 S180.0    ; set extruder standby temp
    Recv:16:16:45.506: echo:Case light: 255
    Send:16:16:45.506: Slow command added:M190 S65        ; wait for bed temp
    Send:16:16:45.506: N67073 M190 S65        ; wait for bed temp
    Send:16:16:52.901: M117 ETE 00:27:17
    Send:16:16:58.841: Slow command added:G28                    ; home all
    Send:16:16:58.841: N67074 G28                    ; home all
    Send:16:16:58.841: N67075 M114
    Send:16:16:58.841: N67076 M73 P60 R27 Q60 S27
    Exec:16:16:58.841: @excludeTimeOn
    Exec:16:16:58.841: @snapshot 0
    Send:16:16:58.841: N67077 G1 F3000
    Exec:16:16:58.841: @excludeTimeOff
    Send:16:17:02.906: M117 Layer 0/24
    Mesg:16:17:05.168: Full stop button pressed
    Mesg:16:17:05.293: Printer reset requested - emergency:true
    Send:16:17:05.296: M112
    Mesg:16:17:05.395: Dtr: false Rts: false
    Mesg:16:17:05.416: Dtr: true Rts: true
    Recv:16:17:06.329: Printer reset detected:start
    Recv:16:17:06.331: start
    Send:16:17:06.331: N1 M110
    Recv:16:17:06.331: Marlin bugfix-2.1.x
    Recv:16:17:06.334: echo: Last Updated: 2024-05-29 | Author: (M_I_B, default config)
    Recv:16:17:06.335: echo: Compiled: Jul 22 2024
    Recv:16:17:06.338: echo: Free Memory: 1234  PlannerBufferBytes: 1520
    Recv:16:17:11.766: Line: 1
    Send:16:17:11.784: N4 M115 ; Get firmware capabilities and info
    Recv:16:17:11.795: FIRMWARE_NAME:Marlin bugfix-2.1.x (Jul 22 2024 10:43:38) PROTOCOL_VERSION:1.0 MACHINE_TYPE:I3ProC Custom KINEMATICS:Cartesian EXTRUDER_COUNT:1 UUID:cede2a2f-41a2-4748-9b12-c55c62f367ff
    Recv:16:17:11.795: Cap:SERIAL_XON_XOFF:0
    Recv:16:17:11.796: Cap:BINARY_FILE_TRANSFER:0
    Recv:16:17:11.798: Cap:EEPROM:1
    Recv:16:17:11.798: Cap:VOLUMETRIC:1
    Recv:16:17:11.799: Cap:AUTOREPORT_POS:0
    Recv:16:17:11.800: Cap:AUTOREPORT_TEMP:1
    Recv:16:17:11.800: Cap:PROGRESS:0
    Recv:16:17:11.801: Cap:PRINT_JOB:1
    Recv:16:17:11.802: Cap:AUTOLEVEL:1
    Recv:16:17:11.802: Cap:RUNOUT:0
    Recv:16:17:11.803: Cap:Z_PROBE:1
    Recv:16:17:11.804: Cap:LEVELING_DATA:1
    Recv:16:17:11.804: Cap:BUILD_PERCENT:1
    Recv:16:17:11.805: Cap:SOFTWARE_POWER:0
    Recv:16:17:11.805: Cap:TOGGLE_LIGHTS:1
    Recv:16:17:11.806: Cap:CASE_LIGHT_BRIGHTNESS:1
    Recv:16:17:11.808: Cap:EMERGENCY_PARSER:0
    Recv:16:17:11.809: Cap:HOST_ACTION_COMMANDS:0
    Recv:16:17:11.810: Cap:PROMPT_SUPPORT:0
    Recv:16:17:11.810: Cap:SDCARD:0
    Recv:16:17:11.811: Cap:REPEAT:0
    Recv:16:17:11.812: Cap:SD_WRITE:0
    Recv:16:17:11.813: Cap:AUTOREPORT_SD_STATUS:0
    Recv:16:17:11.813: Cap:LONG_FILENAME:0
    Recv:16:17:11.814: Cap:LFN_WRITE:0
    Recv:16:17:11.815: Cap:CUSTOM_FIRMWARE_UPLOAD:0
    Recv:16:17:11.816: Cap:EXTENDED_M20:0
    Recv:16:17:11.817: Cap:THERMAL_PROTECTION:1
    Recv:16:17:11.818: Cap:MOTION_MODES:0
    Recv:16:17:11.818: Cap:ARCS:1
    Recv:16:17:11.819: Cap:BABYSTEPPING:1
    Recv:16:17:11.819: Cap:EP_BABYSTEP:0
    Recv:16:17:11.821: Cap:CHAMBER_TEMPERATURE:0
    Recv:16:17:11.822: Cap:COOLER_TEMPERATURE:0
    Recv:16:17:11.822: Cap:MEATPACK:0
    Recv:16:17:11.824: Cap:CONFIG_EXPORT:0
    Send:16:17:11.825: N5 M220 S100 ; Speed multiplier 100%
    Send:16:17:11.828: N6 M221 S100 ; Flow multiplier 100%
    Send:16:17:11.831: N7 G92 E0
    Recv:16:17:11.837: X:-2.00 Y:-16.50 Z:0.00 E:0.00 Count X:-162 Y:-1333 Z:0
    Send:16:17:11.837: N8 G90
    Send:16:17:11.840: N9 M82
    Send:16:17:11.843: N10 G21 ; Use mm as unit
    Send:16:17:11.846: N11 M114
    Exec:16:17:11.846: @getIP
    Recv:16:17:11.852: X:-2.00 Y:-16.50 Z:0.00 E:0.00 Count X:-162 Y:-1333 Z:0
    Send:16:17:11.852: N12 M114
    Exec:16:17:11.852: @startCodeProcessed
    Send:16:17:11.852: N13 M155 S1
    Send:16:17:11.852: N14 M155 S1
    Send:16:17:11.852: M117
    Recv:16:17:11.858: X:-2.00 Y:-16.50 Z:0.00 E:0.00 Count X:-162 Y:-1333 Z:0
    Send:16:17:12.915: M117 Finished

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