Écran tactile rotation

J’ai un écran tactile sur mon Raspberry pi 3
Aujourd’hui j’ai besoin que l’écran soit retourner.
J’ai réussi depuis le fichier config dans le boot.

Mais quand je clique sur l’écran tactile j’ai l’impression que c’est toujours inverser pour descendre faut que je fasse un slide de bas en haut normalement mais là faut faire de haut en bas
La droite devient la gauche
En fin c’est incontrôlable

Comment corriger cela s’il vous plaît


  • You only rotated screen not touchscreen.
     See https://www.repetier-server.com/download-images/ part Rotate Display for solutions.
  • Je voit pas pas enfin comprend pas ou ce trouve le paramètre
  • Et pour couronner le tout impossible de m’être à jour.

    25.02.2024 17:00:35] : error fetchTextFromWeb:Net Exception: Network is unreachable URL:http://download.repetier-server.com/files/server/debian-armhf/updateinfo.txt
  • Please check if the clock is set correctly or server can not access secure websites. Clock normally adjust after a few minutes with internet connection, except when internet is blocked on port 53, 80 or 443.

    Easiest solution to rotate is the rotate function in our setup tool. When you use this pleas eundo your rotation solution first so touch and rotation match, then follow the instructions in the correct order - first select screen rotation and only then include the touch screen rotation and then apply and confirm. Order matters.

  • Je comprend pas je voit absolument pas le parametre https://gyazo.com/1ca2076638ef0460b0a82484caf2a1eb
  • Select terminal here, enter password for your pi (raspberry) and select touchscreen and then rotation. Then follow instructions as in documentation written for the touchscreen tool. It will open a tool on touchscreen to rotate screen or screen and touchscreen.
  • Wrong config file! If you try the other soltion I did not recommend you need to put it in
    as described.

    My solution I meant was this one:

    In version 37+ we use a Raspbian OS based on the new Bookworm image. By default the image has the new graphic driver installed. To change the orientation of the display, open our Config Tool and go to 3 Touchscreen  4 Screen Orientation  OK.

    A screen alignment tool will appear on your touchscreen. Make sure that the screen saver was not previously activated. You can use this to change the orientation. Select Layout  Screens  DSI-1  Orientation and select your orentation. To rotate by 180°, click on Inverted. Then go to Layout  Screens  DSI-1  Touchscreen and select your touchscreen. Only now save it by clicking on Apply. The change will then become visible and you have 10 seconds to confirm it by clicking on OK. Then close the program with Close. The start information on the text console is not changed by the setting.

  • je comprend pas ceci
     open our Config Tool and go to 3 Touchscreen  4 Screen Orientation  OK.

    je ne voit pas config Tool ni touchscreen même avec la traduction je ne voit pas d'écran je ne sais donc pas ou cela se trouve.

    peut être que c'est dans la version 1.4.15 que je n'arrive pas a mètre a jour
  • How old is your linux image? The tool we reference is only included for a year or so. It starts automatically when you use the terminal when supported.
  • j'ai installer repetier server la environ 1an et demi
    et jai fait apt-get update et upgrade la 2 jours
  • faut t'il que je reinstaller depuis 0 ? 
    possible de sauvegarder les fichiers importer dessus et les configurations de mon imprimante ?
  • You can use Repetier-Server Monitor to make a backup of printer and all settings and install it on new image. Or if you are good with linux all settings are in /var/lib/Repetier-Server and you need to copy that folder to new image. Deactivate server before deleting old image so you free license when you have a pro version.

    update/upgrade linux can break installation when some packages get updated to new versions with different behavior. Especially pi cam is here broken I guess.
  • Bonjour,

    j'ai réinstaller repetier server sur le raspberry 
    mais quand je fait restaurer
    sa bloque à  11.7% pendant 30min sa bouge pas

  • Can you please speak english, I do not understand french.

    As the image shows the restore was aborted. Did you do that or did it happen automatically? If you check troubleshooting in server does it show any problems? Does disk have enough free space to store the files plus to uncompress them?
  • "Yes, I saw the restoration was interrupted automatically, I didn't do anything. The SD card has a size of 16 gigabytes, it's the same one I was using before."
  • In that case there was an error during upload of the zip files from backup. Can be a simple network error or something else. Of it happens again at same place check the server.log or look in troubleshooting window for informations. There must be no network interruptions during upload or backup will fail.
  • I think I have better time importing them via ftp!
    but when I try it tells me I don't have permissions
    with id pi and password raspberry

  • finish 
  • I've succeeded in metering the files manually, so I no longer have a screen and it's displayed white.

    here's the config file

    # For more options and information see
    # Some settings may impact device functionality. See link above for details

    # Uncomment some or all of these to enable the optional hardware interfaces

    # Enable audio (loads snd_bcm2835)

    # Additional overlays and parameters are documented
    # /boot/firmware/overlays/README

    # Automatically load overlays for detected cameras

    # Automatically load overlays for detected DSI displays

    # Automatically load initramfs files, if found

    # Disable rainbow splashimage

    # Enable DRM VC4 V3D driver

    # Don't have the firmware create an initial video= setting in cmdline.txt.
    # Use the kernel's default instead.

    # Disable compensation for displays with overscan

    # Run as fast as firmware / board allows

    # Enable host mode on the 2711 built-in XHCI USB controller.
    # This line should be removed if the legacy DWC2 controller is required
    # (e.g. for USB device mode) or if USB support is not required.



  • Everything in /var/lib/Repetier-Server belongs to repetierserver, but that user has no login and password. You can copy it to pi home directory and then copy as root and reboot.
  • Repetier said:
    Everything in /var/lib/Repetier-Server belongs to repetierserver, but that user has no login and password. You can copy it to pi home directory and then copy as root and reboot.
    I've succeeded in metering the files manually, so I no longer have a screen and it's displayed white.

    here's the config file

    # For more options and information see
    # Some settings may impact device functionality. See link above for details

    # Uncomment some or all of these to enable the optional hardware interfaces

    # Enable audio (loads snd_bcm2835)

    # Additional overlays and parameters are documented
    # /boot/firmware/overlays/README

    # Automatically load overlays for detected cameras

    # Automatically load overlays for detected DSI displays

    # Automatically load initramfs files, if found

    # Disable rainbow splashimage

    # Enable DRM VC4 V3D driver

    # Don't have the firmware create an initial video= setting in cmdline.txt.
    # Use the kernel's default instead.

    # Disable compensation for displays with overscan

    # Run as fast as firmware / board allows

    # Enable host mode on the 2711 built-in XHCI USB controller.
    # This line should be removed if the legacy DWC2 controller is required
    # (e.g. for USB device mode) or if USB support is not required.


  • Display depends on monitor type and where it is connected. Can not say much about this, all my displays worked out of the box with bookworm debian. You need to check your display manufacurer which settings are needed for display or check raspberry config.txt description about options when you know which mode it supports. Some need extra drivers to work properly.
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