Is there any WLAN logging we can read for the Repetier pi image WLAN0 handling?
I'm on a pi3 on latest repetier server pro 1.4.15. I find lately when allowing repetier server to handle wifi it doesn't connect quite often. Then sometimes if i let it sit long enough (5-60 minutes) it'll connect, other times it just won't. I do not now know why. It's not a signal strength issue as I have multiple devices also in this area (5' from AP) and i have zero issues w/ any of them. When connected latency is good so it's certainly not an issue w/ signal integrity. I confirmed I have my region specified as US. I have disabled any static mapping on my router for that MAC just to ensure nothing odd was going on there. I'm not a pi expert so I don't really know where to go w/ this. I feel like there is some conflicting configuration here but I don't even know where to begin to look. Any input would be greatly appreciated.
Note that when you have default settings to switch to AP on missing network it can take some time to switch back when you get disconnected for some reason. Setting AP to never enable would keep config and reconnect much faster. Only problem is when you have no display or wired connection to fix connection in case something gets wrong.
Last solution is to provide a explicit wpa_solution config file. Then server does not interfere with wifi at all just lets linux connect. From image doc:
Some other known issues that may be relevant here?
Seems a known issue was mmm and disabling fixed it
Seems fast roaming is another issue others have:
Looking at logs I see AUTH failure, does this mean the WPA was not accepted? I do find that odd as it hasn't changed AND It did start to connect again later. I have many of these retries (It seems it tries 3 times and stops)
No changes made and then it connects.
Later on (At this point I may have been making changes to try to correct this)
Unfortunately I'm no linux wifi expert and con say what all the error codes mean. Our scripts just set configuration for the router and we leave everything to linux here.
You can try it with running
on ssh connection. New version also now reads gpio output from pin state so externally changed output pin gets detected.