GPIO Pins / start of print job

under GPIO pins I have created a "run g-code on change" there I have inserted a g-code / print job. Is it possible to make it show it under "Dashboard" 
or can you get it to print those that are in the queue, when it receives a signal from fx. GPIO17 ? 


  • You have put a complete g-code print job there? These codes are not meant as print jobs and should not be big. They are part of printer configuration.

    What you should include there is something like these:


    Start the next print in the job queue if no print is running and a print is waiting. If a print is running, but paused, it will act like the "continue" button.

    @printModelById id

    Start a stored g-code model with given id. You can see the id in the model summary.

    @printModelByName modelName

    Starts one of the models in the model g-code list. Make sure the name is unique, or you might get a different print.

    Depending on what button should do. It has no influence on viewer.
  • it was only a test so just a small print. 
    Which @XXXX can you use if you want an output of e.g. GPIO27 when it's done printing?

    Can I find more info about this? 

    As always thanks
  • Do you want to output or get pin state. For pin state
    • get_gpio_state(gpioName)
      Returns the state of a gpio pin with given name (from Global Setting->GPIO Pins, not BCM pin number). Works for digital outputs and inputs.
    • get_gpio_pwm(gpioName)
      Returns the PWM value of a PWM output. Value range is 0..100.
    For setting output generate the output in global settings just as for input. There you see also the server command to change output.
  • It's great, then it's just a matter of getting a UR3 installed ;)
  • What is a UR3? Note that this only works with first gpio device and is only tested for pi.
  • It's a robotic arm. It needs a start signal to start its program. when it is finished it must give a signal to pi to run the next print. This is how it should run 50 print jobs.
  • Cool if it works relieable. I mean objects can stick quite well on bed and starting print with object still there is not healthy for the printer. But I guess the arm can detect if it was successfull. So happy hacking:-)
  • The idea is to make a gripper that can remove the plate. The plate is then placed on a holder where the plate is turned 180 degrees, when it gets below 35 degrees the print comes loose and lands in a box. In the meantime, put it in the second plate on the printer so that it runs immediately. my challenges with the communication between the pi in the robot arm but I think it is solved now.
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