Crash on start

I wanted to add some new slicers to test them and accidentally added 2 of them with the same name, after that app crashed and I can't launch it again, even deleting the folder /home/username/.local/share/RepetierHost doesn't help at all.

LD_LIBRARY_PATH = /tmp/.mount_RepetiHV4mON/usr/lib:
MONO_PATH = /tmp/.mount_RepetiHV4mON/usr/lib

(RepetierHost.bin:14544): Gtk-WARNING **: 22:04:44.832: Unable to locate theme engine in module_path: "adwaita",

Unhandled Exception:
System.ArgumentException: An item with the same key has already been added. Key: skein
 at System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary`2[TKey,TValue].TryInsert (TKey key, TValue value, System.Collections.Generic.InsertionBehavior behavior) [0x00196
] in <12b418a7818c4ca0893feeaaf67f1e7f>:0  
 at System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary`2[TKey,TValue].Add (TKey key, TValue value) [0x00000] in <12b418a7818c4ca0893feeaaf67f1e7f>:0  
 at RepetierHost.Main..ctor () [0x01087] in <0ca2e0ea36c74fe187369efc262ab16d>:0  
 at (wrapper remoting-invoke-with-check) RepetierHost.Main..ctor()
 at RepetierHost.Program.Main (System.String[] args) [0x00015] in <0ca2e0ea36c74fe187369efc262ab16d>:0  
[ERROR] FATAL UNHANDLED EXCEPTION: System.ArgumentException: An item with the same key has already been added. Key: skein
 at System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary`2[TKey,TValue].TryInsert (TKey key, TValue value, System.Collections.Generic.InsertionBehavior behavior) [0x00196
] in <12b418a7818c4ca0893feeaaf67f1e7f>:0  
 at System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary`2[TKey,TValue].Add (TKey key, TValue value) [0x00000] in <12b418a7818c4ca0893feeaaf67f1e7f>:0  
 at RepetierHost.Main..ctor () [0x01087] in <0ca2e0ea36c74fe187369efc262ab16d>:0  
 at (wrapper remoting-invoke-with-check) RepetierHost.Main..ctor()
 at RepetierHost.Program.Main (System.String[] args) [0x00015] in <0ca2e0ea36c74fe187369efc262ab16d>:0

I'm using AppImage file.


  • You need to delete the slicer list or at least remove one from it in registry. On linux this is a list of file in .mono or .config/.mono I think. Should be obvious from the names once you are in the right folder. or delete the repetierHost folder completely to start with defaults.

  • Repetier said:
    You need to delete the slicer list or at least remove one from it in registry. On linux this is a list of file in .mono or .config/.mono I think. Should be obvious from the names once you are in the right folder. or delete the repetierHost folder completely to start with defaults.
    Files was located in /home/username/.mono/registry/CurrentUser/software/repetier/ and my build in finder couldn't find it. Thank you

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