Will Repetier-Host 2.3.1 run on Linux Mint 21.1
I have Linux Mint 21.1 running on a Dell 64 bit laptop. When using the standard repositories to install Repetier-Host with Synaptic Package Manager a very old version of Repetier-Host is the only version. available.
Having downloaded the appimage of 2.3.1 enables me to "run" Repetier-Host. I can load and slice a .stl file. However I can not connect to the printer.
When configuring the printer settings the choices are Serial Connection, TCP/IP Connection, Virtual Printer, and Repeteir-Server. I think I should use Serial Connection because my printer is connected via USB. Is that correct? Would I be better off also installing the Repeteir-Server?
Having selected Serial connection and moving to the Port selection my choices are Auto, /dev/ttyprintk, and /dev/tty. Which of these devices should I choose.
Finally what Baud Rate and Transfer Protocol should I be using. Is the baud rate something I should be investigating in the 3d printer itself?
Thank you for your help.
73, wa3scm
Having downloaded the appimage of 2.3.1 enables me to "run" Repetier-Host. I can load and slice a .stl file. However I can not connect to the printer.
When configuring the printer settings the choices are Serial Connection, TCP/IP Connection, Virtual Printer, and Repeteir-Server. I think I should use Serial Connection because my printer is connected via USB. Is that correct? Would I be better off also installing the Repeteir-Server?
Having selected Serial connection and moving to the Port selection my choices are Auto, /dev/ttyprintk, and /dev/tty. Which of these devices should I choose.
Finally what Baud Rate and Transfer Protocol should I be using. Is the baud rate something I should be investigating in the 3d printer itself?
Thank you for your help.
73, wa3scm
To find out the correct name for host run in terminal
ls -l /dev/serial/by-id
and see to which of the tty files it points. If there is only one printer that is the one you want.
Protocol automatic is ok, baud rate depends on printer. 115200 or 250000 are the most common used baud rates.
Did some research and found this command for live messages "dmesg -wH" which resulted in a full blown device listing followed by time stamped activity messages.
To generate the attached screen I simply plugged the printer's usb cable into the laptop usb port to generate the first block then pulled the printer's usb cable out of the laptop usb port. Plugging in and pulling out a second time then generated the second block.
I will try installing the server.
Thank you, Dave wa3scm
Not sure if this is all, check
sudo lsmod
if the ch341 driver module loaded as well, but looks like it is known.
Thank you for such quick correct advice!
73, Dave wa3scm