Connection problems with two anycubics

What I'm fighting right now is the connection with Repetier-Server with two anycubic printers. I3Mega and the new Predator. When I try to connect the Predator, the profile connects to the I3 Mega and the Predator profile is ignored.

If the I3 Mega is off, a newly created Predator profile will not find the Predator. Is it possible to configure a profile to only address the I3 Mega? Must also go if I work with 2 x I3 Mega.

Hopefully anyone can help me,

thanks Stefan


  • Are you using Linux? Sounds a bit like both get the same serial port name depending on which is first online. On linux this happens for /dev/ttyUSBx and if you have same boards it will also happen to /dev/serial/by-id/...

    The solution would then be to connect them always to the same usb port so you then use /dev/serial/by-path/.. to assign them. That means the usb port is important for assignment.
  • I use the Raspberry Pi with 4 USB-Ports.
  • Good so my guess was right and you can use the by-path solution to solve our problem.
  • I don´t understand your solution. If I understand yo right, I have to change the USB port in the printer configuration?
  • Yes, change port. Each port in linux exists 3 times. You need to select the one starting with /dev/serial/by-path/ so linux sees them as 2 different devices as you seem to have same id and the /dev/tty... versions are named in order of appearance which is also not helpful.
  • edited June 2019
    Did you ever solve the connection issue for the Predator?
    I have made a setup this evening. All is setup correct (printer is a Delta) - I`m able to send G28, heat bed and nozzle, but as soon as I upload a gcode file (prints fine from memorycard) - the printer stop responding. Sometimes it send first few lines in gcode (like startpoint of purge-line) - but it never starts to print the file.

    It seems like the printer either has connectivity issues (baud rate is set to 115200, who works from octoprint) - flavor is set to Marlin, even tough the printer actually has Chitu.

    I`m lost on this one. Have 5 other printers, none has this kind of issues.

    My Predator is the only printer on this raspberry at the moment, no other printer is defined. Manufactor "usb-port" is selected, I have even tried the "USB" - all give same result. G28 from console = ok, but that`s about it.
  • Have yo tried RTS High, DTR Low, and Malyan fix unchecked in connection settings. Some boards can not communicate with default settings.
  • Repetier said:
    Have yo tried RTS High, DTR Low, and Malyan fix unchecked in connection settings. Some boards can not communicate with default settings.
    Might be the only combination left, I will try, and leave an update if it works or not.
  • Repetier said:
    Have yo tried RTS High, DTR Low, and Malyan fix unchecked in connection settings. Some boards can not communicate with default settings.
    Thanks - this actually solved the problem (y) 
  • I have the same problem, but RTS High, DTR Low and Malyan fix unchecked  is not working.

    I can start a print, and the heatbed is heating, but on the repetier server, the temperature is not changeing ( on the display it is normally increasing..)
  • I had this very same issue with 2 anycubic chiron's, need to configure 1 printer first, and then take a look at the name path when choosing the printer from drop down menu so you know which one it is, then keeping that printer on connect the other printer, now you should se another address too in the drop down menu when assigning the second printer, and so I fixed my issue, and yes, as they have the same board they can appear with wrong name if the plug is moved to another usb port on the pi.

  • I still have this issue. I buyed this software ending up not beeing able to use it with my Anycubic Predator.

    Will there be an update to support it?
    What kind of settings will work properly and will also display the temperature and sensors of the printer?
  • This is what worked for me,
    step 1: Check for the driver update, "Silicon Labs CP210x USB to UART Bridge (COM4)"
    step 2:(USB 3.0) Merlin, Serial comm, COM4,
    ping-pong mode, -, 0.0%, 532.2L/s
    step 3: rectangle, -5, 0, 215, 215, 206
    step 4: 1, 1.75, yes, no
    step 5, none, 1, no
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