Connection problems with two anycubics
What I'm fighting right now is the connection with Repetier-Server with two anycubic printers. I3Mega and the new Predator. When I try to connect the Predator, the profile connects to the I3 Mega and the Predator profile is ignored.
If the I3 Mega is off, a newly created Predator profile will not find the Predator. Is it possible to configure a profile to only address the I3 Mega? Must also go if I work with 2 x I3 Mega.
Hopefully anyone can help me,
thanks Stefan
The solution would then be to connect them always to the same usb port so you then use /dev/serial/by-path/.. to assign them. That means the usb port is important for assignment.
I have made a setup this evening. All is setup correct (printer is a Delta) - I`m able to send G28, heat bed and nozzle, but as soon as I upload a gcode file (prints fine from memorycard) - the printer stop responding. Sometimes it send first few lines in gcode (like startpoint of purge-line) - but it never starts to print the file.
It seems like the printer either has connectivity issues (baud rate is set to 115200, who works from octoprint) - flavor is set to Marlin, even tough the printer actually has Chitu.
I`m lost on this one. Have 5 other printers, none has this kind of issues.
My Predator is the only printer on this raspberry at the moment, no other printer is defined. Manufactor "usb-port" is selected, I have even tried the "USB" - all give same result. G28 from console = ok, but that`s about it.
Will there be an update to support it?
What kind of settings will work properly and will also display the temperature and sensors of the printer?
step 1: Check for the driver update, "Silicon Labs CP210x USB to UART Bridge (COM4)"
step 2:(USB 3.0) Merlin, Serial comm, COM4,
ping-pong mode, -, 0.0%, 532.2L/s
step 5, none, 1, no