Annoying Printer Notifications

First of all - Great work guys, Repetier is coming along nicely.

Just want to bring up an issue I am getting, printer notifications(messages) that pop up in the web interface and there does not seem a way to acknowledge them or remove them after they pop up. They stay on the screen until one reboots the server !

Is this a Bug ?  Or is there a not obvious way to remove he message window that pops up ?  Any help will be appreciated.

Cheers from Downunder ! from the land of OZ!


  • Which server version and which gui? What is in the message or where does it come from since there are many types of pop ups. But they are normally all closeable with buttons at bottom also you can at least program windows that do not close automatically but only on some event, but are not installed by default from us.
  • Hi - Thanks for responding.

    Repetier-Server Pro 1.2.1 - Pan-49 ruinning on a Raspberry pi. 
    Iam just using the web interface, Which I guess is just the webser running on your repetier server.

    The msg says the follwoing :
    "Message from your Printer
    UI Abort 
    Note: When printer is blocking and communicating buffers are full answers might not be executed ! "

    This pops up and can't be closed off. you can move it arround and that is it.


  • Ok found the problem. These messages come when firmware wants to push a dialog but does not offer a choice, then no choices are visible and so no close button. I have fixed it for 1.2.2

    As intermediate solution add a new quick command with the content:

    this will close the message and continue.
  • Great !  Thanks
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