Screen Resolution does not fit the touch screen

edited April 2021 in Repetier-Server

I have the pro version of Repetier and am experiencing this error shown below. Can someone tell me whats wrong with the resolution and how to fix this?
Everything is super tiny and almost impossible to hit with the finger.


I am using this touchscreen (variant "7 Zoll mit Gehäuse Rahmen") 1024x600:

Repetier Pro 1.0.4



  • Typical 7" resolution is 800x400 or 480 or 600 pixel. 1024 is more for 10" displays so sizes are for 10". So your icons are 22% smaller then planned for that resolution. it is possible to recompile your css as described here:
    but that requires programming skills not every one has, so I understand if that is no good resolution for you.
    I will run some tests if I can set for 1024 the sizes in pt instead of pixel. At least if your display knows the dpi this should then result in bigger fonts/icons.

  • Ok, just learned that it does not matter. Even if I say 1cm it only gets 1cm on displays with 72dpi. So changing px with pt or mm does not change sizes. See for more insight. So at the moment I see no good solution to fix this automatically. But will investigate further.
  • Thanks for your promt answer. Unfortunately, I can not agree with you for two reasons:

    - 7" 1024x600 displays are very common (almost every 7" touch display has that resolution on amazon) and will be even more common in the future
    - the symbols are way more smaller than just 22%. They are like 80 % smaller

    Here is another picture. There is no way its just 22 % smaller:

    And this is what it should look like:

    There must be another reason for this display bug.

    Thank you very much

  • Another picture:

    Please notice how tiny those symbols are. This has nothing to do with the display resolution since this would only affect the size ~20 %.

  • edited April 2021
    I made another discovery: In the menu options of the display it says the resolution is 1920x1080. I dont know if this is true because its clearly advertised as 1024x600px. Is there a way to scale the monitor output (like the high dpi scaling in windows)?
    Thanks again!

    Boot logo size:

  • That is full hd resolution as it looks. Does not mean you have that resolution but x server uses that resolution. Login over ssh and run

    export DISPLAY=:0
    pi@Felix:~ $ xrandr
    xrandr: Failed to get size of gamma for output default
    Screen 0: minimum 800 x 480, current 800 x 480, maximum 800 x 480
    default connected 800x480+0+0 0mm x 0mm
       800x480        0.00*

    That should give you the real resolution you see. If it is set higher then screen physically can it gets reduced in size and looks like yours. Then you need to modify /boot/config.txt to select the correct hdmi mode with your real resolution.
  • Thanks mate, now it works!

    For everyone who has the same problem, this fixed it:


    # uncomment to force a specific HDMI mode (this will force VGA)

    # uncomment to force a HDMI mode rather than DVI. This can make audio work in
    # DMT (computer monitor) modes

  • Took me 3 days to finally find a perfect solution for the problem. Try this code when you are using the display from amazon:

    hdmi_cvt=800 480 60 3

    The display is now crisp clear and 100 % perfect fitted to the cornes. Big icons. Perfect.

    (picture slightly blurred but the icon "Herunterfahren" does reflect the now sharp display very good)
  • is there any one who has the same problem
  • @anno : works ! Thank you so much !
  • anno said:
    Took me 3 days to finally find a perfect solution for the problem. Try this code when you are using the display from amazon:

    hdmi_cvt=800 480 60 3

    The display is now crisp clear and 100 % perfect fitted to the cornes. Big icons. Perfect.

    (picture slightly blurred but the icon "Herunterfahren" does reflect the now sharp display very good)
    Hi i had same problem with a 7 inch display 1024x600. 
    I am using this display:

    and used this code:

    Hdmi_group = 2
    Hdmi_mode = 87
    Hdmi _ cvt=1024 600 60 6 0 0 0

  • anno said:
    Took me 3 days to finally find a perfect solution for the problem. Try this code when you are using the display from amazon:

    hdmi_cvt=800 480 60 3

    The display is now crisp clear and 100 % perfect fitted to the cornes. Big icons. Perfect.

    (picture slightly blurred but the icon "Herunterfahren" does reflect the now sharp display very good)
    Where to give this code?

  • Where to give this code?

  • edited February 2024
    Had the same problem with a 10,1"  1280x800 Display by ELECROW. A really nice display, but all icons and text were tiny tiny small. Difficult to use. After trying some different things this was what helped me out:

    Log in with ssh by opening a terminal and typing pi@ (use the IP Address of the PI)
    Password is by default raspberry
    after successfully login type Repetier-setup 
    The setup utility starts up.

    navigate to edit system files, choose edit config.txt
    in config test ad the following lines:

    #Edit config.txt for Elecrow 10,1 HDMI Touchscreen Monitor
    hdmi_cvt=800 480 60 6 0 0 0

     save the changes with ^o

    and finally the most important and maybe the crucial parameter:
    edit in repetier-setup ->  3 Touchscreen ->  6 Touchscreenscaling (set from 1.0  to 2.0). After that, reboot and in my case everything is perfect now!  
  • After some experiments I found out, it is quite easy to change the size of text and icons. You only need to change the touchscreen scaling in repetier setup (accessible only via ssh login):

    edit in repetier-setup ->  3 Touchscreen ->  6 Touchscreenscaling (set from 1.0  to number you want) . 2.0 means double the size. Mind there is a dot between the numbers! After that, reboot and in my case everything is perfect now!  

    Now - to make this even better - it would be great to have different scaling factors for text and icons (if I had a wish free). 
  • What the setting does is changing browser scaling factor, so you just zoom the page and this handles all identically.

    The sizes are defined per resolution and set during css generation and can not be changed dznimacially afterwards. However you can make your own css file instead with your own icon/sidebar/text sizes. See
    on how to do this. But it is programming, so nothing every one would like to do.
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