Warning: Seems like we missed something a ok - continue sending.

Hello repetier forum, I am fairly new to the 3D printing community and was recently gifted a older Monoprice Maker Select V2, I have been trying to troubleshoot some problems, most recent is the title, 'Warning: Seems like we missed something a ok - continue sending', I'm assuming this is some sort of communication error, I have also been struggling with the error 'SD init failure' which happens either when I try to insert my SD card or halfway through a print and it will bring the print to a halt, I read some forums but nothing seemed to click quite right, any help would be much appreciated, Thank you  -B 


  • Firmware send "ok" after each command received. Host waits for the ok to send next command, so if communication errors cause an error here flow breaks. The message is a hint that this happened and got detected by host. But the message is unfamiliar to me - are you really using Repetier-Host?
  • Repetier said:
    Firmware send "ok" after each command received. Host waits for the ok to send next command, so if communication errors cause an error here flow breaks. The message is a hint that this happened and got detected by host. But the message is unfamiliar to me - are you really using Repetier-Host?
    Yes I am, It works sometimes but a lot of times it quits partway through a print. I think Im having printer issues, I'm not 100% sure.
  • Yes, if print continues after some wait it is just a typical communication error that can happen. If ping-pong is disabled you actually need to miss 2-3 ok until it shows up, then with a timeout it is catched and print continues.

    If you have firmware sources you can help host by enabling line numbers in ok to detect it on the fly or by sending "wait" when being idle. In marlin these can be enabled in the advanced config. Then the problem would normally not occur since it gets detected before getting critical.
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