Timeplapses stuck "Converting"

I have two timelapses now that are stuck being converted. I used the enforce position to capture them.
Both are rather small data sets (one 500 Frames, the other 900)

worked fine for months, even with 91.2. But since I switched to the v14 raspberry PI image they are stuck converting.
I triggered the "recreate video" a couple of times leading to sticky "Background processes running" notifications. But never finished.

there seems to be no processes running on the machine besides the chromium task that takes about 5-10% of CPU and a lower digit mjepeg stream for the webcam. But no conversion I can see whatsoever. 

Any ideas? Any settings you need to know? My settings are 25frames 10.000kbit 



  • First I'd check global settings->timelapse and see what ffmpeg path is set and if it exists on the image. As you switched image it might be on avconv which was used on older images.
  • it is set to /usr/bin/ffmpeg and that exists:
    pi@Repetier-Server:~ $ which ffmpeg
    pi@Repetier-Server:~ $ ffmpeg -v
    ffmpeg version 3.2.12-1~deb9u1+rpt1
  • Also affecting the Previews:

  • Ok, seems some job is stuck so it does not continue. Please delete the /var/lib/Repetier-Server/database/workdispatcher.sql (for mac/windows use according storage path) file and restart server. That will recreate it with no open jobs. It will not rerender anything but new uploaded files should get rendered again and you can recreate videos.

    Hard to say if file has an error or contaitns something that can not finish, so that is I think best solution.
  • that fixed the not rendered previews, but my timelapses are still not rendering. I left it running for a couple of days now with no success. If I hit "recreate" for a specific timelapse, it tells me there is one open background process running, but nothing happens. I actually see a ffmpeg process but its not consuming any CPU...

    I can give you HTTP/SSH access if you tell me where to send it to! I guess that might be easier?

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