Repetier Server Pass through for specialized software.

I have a TEVO Black Widow running on an RPi  with Repetier Server.  All is working well and I can connect and work with my printer using Repetier Host.

Unfortunately I have added a Laser component to my printer and I need to control it using different software. This can connect using TelNet protocol. 

Is there a way I can control my printer via Repetier Server acting in a 'pass through' capability?

Many thanks


  • edited October 2017
    Hi..  An Update.

    I have found a utility called 'socat' and this will create  a TCP/IP to USB connection on the PI side.  Now I just have to ensure that I number my USB ports and tell Repetier Server only to use specific ports for the printer, and I can just plug the printer in to another port when I want to use  'direct' communication.

  • Pass through is currently not supported but on my todo for later as it is not widely used.

    The port solution is good. Normally we use /dev/serial/by-id so that would not change by selecting different port,  but there is also /dev/serial/by-path that changes just with the selected port so if you switch to that your problem is solved.
  • Hi. When I mention number the ports I actually meant a textor on the pi case.
    Can you explain how to set up by path
    Many many thanks
  • No idea what a textor is.

    Fining name sis as easy as plugin in one usb port and ls /dev/serial/by-path
    you see the name for that case. Plugin on othe rusb repeat and you see a different name. Use these 2 names as port.
  • Repetier said:
    Pass through is currently not supported but on my todo for later as it is not widely used.

    The port solution is good. Normally we use /dev/serial/by-id so that would not change by selecting different port,  but there is also /dev/serial/by-path that changes just with the selected port so if you switch to that your problem is solved.
    So... /dev/ttyUSB0 will not change.. but 
  • Exactly. Linux sets the links to the same device but using the link is safe.
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