Where is the Z-Offset Option for CuraEngine in Repetier?
I switched over to cura from slic3r because of the ridiculously long gcode export time on my 12 thread computer.
On Slic3r my prints were 0.9mm into the printing bed so I set a Z-offset for that and everything printed out fine, but when I went on over to Cura the print head was shooting plastic ~8mm above the print bed. I couldn't find a setting to adjust Z offest. I'm using a TEVO Delta Little Monster Printer, the auto leveling gets the leveling correct but not the Z height. I would also want to avoid having to edit the G-Code every time I slice something. Can anyone help? It might be more than just a Z-offset issue.
On Slic3r my prints were 0.9mm into the printing bed so I set a Z-offset for that and everything printed out fine, but when I went on over to Cura the print head was shooting plastic ~8mm above the print bed. I couldn't find a setting to adjust Z offest. I'm using a TEVO Delta Little Monster Printer, the auto leveling gets the leveling correct but not the Z height. I would also want to avoid having to edit the G-Code every time I slice something. Can anyone help? It might be more than just a Z-offset issue.
The option in CuraEngine is "Cut Off Object Bottom" in extrusion tab.
But that is normally not needed. 8mm above bed sounds pretty wrong. If object i son bed before slicing it should be there after slicing in preview and also come out there while printing or your printer is not configured correctly.