Where is the Z-Offset Option for CuraEngine in Repetier?

I switched over to cura from slic3r because of the ridiculously long gcode export time on my 12 thread computer.

On Slic3r my prints were 0.9mm into the printing bed so I set a Z-offset for that and everything printed out fine, but when I went on over to Cura the print head was shooting plastic ~8mm above the print bed. I couldn't find a setting to adjust Z offest. I'm using a TEVO Delta Little Monster Printer, the auto leveling gets the leveling correct but not the Z height. I would also want to avoid having to edit the G-Code every time I slice something. Can anyone help? It might be more than just a Z-offset issue.


  • Slic3r PE is pretty fast. Only the "avoid crossing perimeters" option can slow down it drastically, eg. from 5 seconds to 60 seconds.

    The option in CuraEngine is "Cut Off Object Bottom" in extrusion tab.

    But that is normally not needed. 8mm above bed sounds pretty wrong. If object i son bed before slicing it should be there after slicing in preview and also come out there while printing or your printer is not configured correctly.
  • So at Z home (Z=0) is the nozzle almost touching the bed ?

  • Repetier said:
    Slic3r PE is pretty fast. Only the "avoid crossing perimeters" option can slow down it drastically, eg. from 5 seconds to 60 seconds.

    The option in CuraEngine is "Cut Off Object Bottom" in extrusion tab.

    But that is normally not needed. 8mm above bed sounds pretty wrong. If object i son bed before slicing it should be there after slicing in preview and also come out there while printing or your printer is not configured correctly.
    What about if the nozzle is printing too far into the bed? (ie its print space is behind the bed) can I put in a negative number and is still work? The number turns red.
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