Possibility to execute Python-Script with light button
My board doesn't support a light pin. So want to do it with a simple Python-Script on the raspi.
Is there a possibility to use the light button to execute my script instead of extending the top right menu?
Unfortunately I found a lot of entries with the word light in it:
<command type="caseLightsOn">M355 S1</command>
<command type="caseLightsOff">M355 S0</command>
<response type="caseLights" value="1">^Info:Case lights on</response>
<response type="caseLights" value="0">^Info:Case lights off</response>
<response type="toggleLightsSupported">^Cap:TOGGLE_LIGHTS:(\d)</response>
<setting type="CaseLights">^Config:CaseLights:(\d)</setting>
Could you tell me which one I have to modify with my code below and how it looks like?
<name>Licht ein</name>
<execute>sudo /usr/bin/python /home/pi/programme/gpio-on.py</execute>
Thank you