Repetier GUI don't show up on PI after update

edited January 11 in Repetier-Server
Hello, dear people,

after a hardware defect in my printer and repair, the PI did an update with the RS.

When booting up, a gray information window appeared briefly, which had something to do with the X server or something similar; it happened much too quickly for me to be able to read anything.

Unfortunately, I had my finger on the display at the time, so I must have triggered one of the selection options offered.

Now the PI no longer starts in the RS GUI, but ends up in the RaspiOS GUI. Since the touch calibration is obviously not quite right, I also cannot access the start menu.

However, I can access the RS via the web without any problems; the server is definitely running and functional.

How can I solve this problem, e.g. via SSH? Is further information required?

Oh... did I already wish everyone a happy, successful and healthy New Year? No? Then here it is ;)


  • We use X Window system. The window most likely asked to change to wayland which uses another desktop manager not startin gui. In linux termial call sudo raspi-config and switch back to x window solution. I hope this just resets to old state and not their original solution.
  • edited January 11
    Hmmm... I can't find the option for switching it back.
    The only thing I can find is /Advanced Options / Wayland and here...
    • W1 Openbox windows manager with X11 backend
    • W2 Wayfire windows manager with wayland backend
    • W3 Labwc windows manager with wayland backend
    But I assume that's not what I have looking for?!

    I have try the 1st option. Don't work and result in a white/black flashing display.
    Then I have upgrade the system and hard restart... All done and works like before!

    Man thanx for the help...
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