M105 and buffer problem? Anet A8 with marlin

edited October 15 in Repetier-Server

Since I flashed Marlin 2.1.2 on my anet A8 in order to have the bed leveling, I have a big problem when sending gcode through repetier server :
During the print of large surface area, sometimes the printer do noises like "brrr" or stop and a "click to resume" message appear on the screen, but repetier keep sending commands.
It's working if I use teh SD card, but it's not a good solution for my workflow.
Seems to be the known problem about the M105 command overflow, but It's already disable on repetier-host, so I don't understand 
Guys from marlin chat sent me here.

what can I do?

Thank you


  • At least for debugging you should enable ping-pong mode. 

    M105 should not be used normall as newer marlin supports autoreport temperatures. The length of returned message on temperatures is no problem. Server has no real limits here you can hit.

    Check the craeted log (if enabled) to see full communication and not part in console. That can be misleading and make sure only one app is accessing the port.

    From what I see I can make no real conclusions, looks much like communication errors but these can be overflows when your input buffer size is set to high or real errors. One reason why ping-pong also might help to detect this. Here only one command at a time is being send.
  • Thank you for your answer
    Ping pong mode is already enable :

  • Then it looks more like communication issues. You can massively improve error correction if you compile marlin with ok with line numbers enabled (in advanced config file) and disable ping pong. Server will then send multiple lines in parallel and see from ok in line number that it missed an ok or a checksum error will happen quicker if we miss a return.

    I see a timeout after 4 seconds - this is ok (even 3s) if marlin has busy reporting compiled, otherwise it could be the problem and cause issues when long slow moves are handled.
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