Menu:ui_page2 as standard first page?

is there a simple way, that the second standard page is always shown up as first page?
I tried to switch names in uimenu.h between ui_page1 and ui_page2, but then the text of page2 as shown on the background of page1 (column and row lines are still visible)


  • Only with 20x4 char displays. For graphic displays you need to change the special handling of the page 1 with grids, bars etc to be done then on page 2. Or you set on initalization the startpage to 1 for menulevel 0 so parge 1 is still first but page 2 is shown first.
  • 2, would be good!
    can you please give me a tip where the initalization the startpage is done?
    (I am not fit in C++, so I do not really understand the menu-code)
  • ui.cpp function initialize around line 1000 depedning on version has a

        menuPos[0] = 0;

    which is menu to show on startup. Set it to 1.

  • Great - Thanks! and so easy
    (my try&error method took hours without result ...)
    Thanks again!

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