repetier firmware does not print anything from SD

I have repetier firmware 0.98, ramps 1.4 and smartcontroller w/ 128x64 display. When I start printing any g-code files from sd card, the display says that printing in progress, status bar shows printing process (however % changes very quickly) but hotbed doesn't hot, and axis don't move. after couple of minutes display says that 100% completed and steppers went to stand by. If I went to position menu and move axis, or start heating extruder or hotbed, everything is fine. but when I start printing from sd card, the printer doesn't do snything. The issue occurs yesterday. Before that all worked fine.
Can you tell me how I can fix it?

Thanks in advance


  • Sounds like wrong debug mode. We have a communication only mode (M111 S16)  where all commands get ignored. Would match your description. But after reset that mode should be turned off.
  • Situation resolved. It was my fault. I tried to print out stl file. I did copy stl instead of gcode. Oh oh..I m getting old
  • Yeah, that is similar as it is missing the gcode in it:-)
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