Repetier manual Control movments?

edited December 2015 in Questions & Answers
I feel like this is an obvious question but if I click the manual move buttons 0.1, 1 , 10 ,50 are those moments in mm's?
Because at the minute if i click 1 on the X and Y axis its moves 1mm.
When i click it on the Z axis it moves 4mm. so i quartered the steps in Arduino re-uploaded it and it still moves 4mm.
i quartered it again and it still moves 4mm.


  • Yes, the values you see are all in mm. Check the log and enable commands then you even see the commands that get send and see the values. Just to be sure for the z axis problem.

    If you use repetier-firmware, you have to set steps per mm in eeprom settings if compiled with eeprom support (default). Changing them in config file does not help.
  • Yeh config.h doesn't seem to do anything when it comes to the steps.
    EEprom.h has step settings in it, I changed it  from 11 to 3 pressed move by 1  four times to get it to move 1mm. just changed it to 6 and it moved a fraction and started making a high pitch humming sound. changed it to 7 in case odd numbers make a difference. it moves but only a fraction of a MM
    put it back to 11 and it moves 4mm. change it to 9 and nothing happens but the 3d printer screen reads like its moved.
    its all very strange.
  • edited December 2015
    how do i disable eeprom?
    so it uses the config.h settings instead
  • #define EEPROM_MODE 0

    would disable eeprom. What you changed does not sound like steps per mm. With M8 rod direct drive Z has 2560 steps. Other systems come normally at least to 100 steps per mm often more. So 11 or 3 steps per mm make no sense. Ifthis is the speed it would make sense. High speeds do not work for rod systems and cause high pitched sounds from lost steps. Also make sure that rods need low acceleration (50-100).
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