How to install Klipper on Windows?

Hi! I wanted to install klipper on my Minipc that is running Repetier Server with Windows.
I am using it as a server for 2 3dprinters (ender 3) but I can't find any tutorials on how to install klipper properly, since all of them are about other OSs (Octopi or Fluid) and none are for Repetier.

I found this in the docs "Already during installation with the printer wizard, you get offered to install the klipper daemon. You should always do this, even if you do not have a configuration yet." but I don't know how/can't do that on the Wizard

I tried adding a new printer with the wizard and selecting Klipper as firmware but it doesn't connect (I guess it is because Klipper firm isn't installed in the 3DPrinter) and I don't know how to proceed.


  • I don'r think klipper works on windows at all. At least i never saw it mentioned and the socket it creates is not available in windows. That is why we also do not offer in under windows. You need a linux system.

    What might work (untested) is using WSL2 on windows, install  Repetier-Server there and then use the klipper installation. WSL2 is linux under windows subsystem.
  • Hi! Thanks for the reply! I will have to give linux a try then :)

    How about the first command line to install klipper? From the install manual, it says

    git clone

    Since it says "" Is that line the same for repetier?
  • You need git as well with our solution on your linux. Ah and it should also be a debian based distor (ubuntu, debian, mint,...).
    We have our own scripts as we install it with user repetierserver to solve some permission issues as well. But we do more or less the same, just different folders and config path so we can also edit klipper config inside repetier server.
  • Hallo. Eine Frage. Ich hab repetier server pro und habe Klipper installiert. Soweit läuft alles. Allerdings haben die Änderungen direkt in der config keine Auswirkung auf die Bewegungssteuerung (endstop usw.)
    Sondern nur wenn ich sie in die manuelle Steuerung eintrage. Kann man dies ändern? 
  • Bin nicht sicher was du hier meinst, aber vermutlich nicht. Klipper konfiguration ist für den Drucker und hat erst mal nicht mit dem Server zu tun. Dann gibt es die Einstellungen im Server, damit der weiß wie sich der Drucker verhält was zwar teilweise überlappt aber server ist auch für andere Firmwares, daher universell. Es gibt sogar die alte Methode klipper extern zu handeln und nur zu verbinden, da kennen wir die Konfiguration von Klippe rauch nicht. Daher denke ich das es nicht geht. Oder du meintest was anderes.
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