excommands.xml interpreter error

Repetier Version 1.2.0

<execute>curl '' -H 'Referer:' -H 'Connection: keep-alive' --data 'cte4=1'</execute>

Not working:
<execute>curl '' -H 'Referer:' -H 'Connection: keep-alive' --data 'cte1=&cte2=&cte3=&cte4=1'</execute>

Error in Startup-Log:
[22.11.2021 19:24:10] : error reading extcommands.xml:SAXParseException: Invalid token in '/var/lib/Repetier-Server/database/extcommands.xml', line 83 column 131
(Col. 131 is the blank after --data)


  • You are writing code in a xml file so maintain xml syntax. & is not a valid char, you need to write &amp; instead if it is not in a cdata section. Other not allowed chars are < and > where oyu need &lt; and &gt; instead as they are used for tags.
  • Repetier said:
    You are writing code in a xml file so maintain xml syntax. & is not a valid char, you need to write &amp; instead if it is not in a cdata section. Other not allowed chars are < and > where oyu need &lt; and &gt; instead as they are used for tags.
    Sorry, you over estimate my abilities....
    How do I &amp this string "' --data 'cte1=&cte2=&cte3=&cte4=1'?

  • Just replace & with &amp;
    --data 'cte1=&amp;cte2=&amp;cte3=&amp;cte4=1
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